Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of worship services do we have? What kind of clothing do people wear when they come to church? These and other questions are answered below. Of course, if you don’t find your question answered here, please feel free to contact us at stjohnsecfh@stjohnmac.org!

Q: How do I submit a prayer request?

A: We would love to pray for you! You can submit a prayer request any way that is convenient for you:

Church Phone: 503-472-6677

Church eMail: stjohnsecfh@stjohnmac.org

Church Postal:

St. John Lutheran Church

2142 NE McDonald Lane

McMinnville OR 97128

Q: What times is your worship service?

A: We have worship services on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM. Our Family Sunday School starts at 9:00 AM

Q: What kind of clothing do people wear when they come to worship?

A: It varies from one person to another. Some men come in suits and women in dresses. Some men come in casual shirtsleeves and slacks. Some women come in pants or shorts. The key thing would be modesty.

Q: What are the worship services like?

A: All of our services follow a liturgical form. On the first and third Sundays of the month, we use one of two liturgies from our Lutheran Service Book Hymnal. On the second and fourth Sundays we use a “Praise!” service that incorporates elements from our traditional liturgies and more contemporary Christian songs and hymns. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month.

Q: What about attending the Lord’s Supper?

A: If you have not worshipped with us before, we strongly encourage you to talk with the pastor or one of the elders before attending the Lord’s Supper. We believe the Lord’s Supper is a meal for those who are baptized in the Christian faith and who want to have the assurance of forgiveness and the strength to live a stronger Christian life by receiving the Lord’s Body and Blood with the bread and wine that is served in the Lord’s Supper.

Q: What are the basic beliefs?

A: A core teaching of our Lutheran faith is that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone. We can never earn God’s favor because of our sin, but God in his love and mercy sent his Son Jesus to live the perfect life we could never live, to die as a sacrifice for all of our sins and to be raised again to win the victory over sin and death and the devil. He now offers his love and forgiveness to everyone. We claim it as our own through the faith that God gives us.

Luther’s Small Catechism briefly summarizes our beliefs. You can read the Small Catechism and click on the links on the right side of the page.

Q: What do you have in the way of Bible classes?

A: We have a variety of Bible classes at various times. Some are for women, some for men and some for everyone. The schedule for these classes change from time to time, so please call the church office, 503-472-6677 for the latest information on the classes that are available.

Q: Do you have any special worship services during the year?

A: We follow a “church year” calendar with “seasons” for remembering different parts of the life of the Jesus and for remembering his teachings. During the seasons of Advent and Lent we have special Wednesday evening services.

The four Sundays before Christmas mark the season of “Advent” when we remember what it was like for people to wait for the first coming of Jesus and also anticipate his second coming in Glory. Advent climaxes on Christmas Day and the Sundays before January 6th. On the Wednesday evenings during Advent, we have special worship services to focus on Jesus’ first and second “Advent” or “Coming.”

January 6th is the day for remembering the visit of the Magi and celebrating the fact that Jesus came not just for the Jews, but for all people. It marks the beginning of the season of Epiphany when we focus on how Jesus revealed himself as the savior for the world.

Ash Wednesday, the Wednesday before the sixth Sunday before Easter, marks the beginning of Lent when we focus on how our Lord accomplished our salvation by his obedience to the Father and his suffering and death. This part of the church year is known as “Lent” (based on a German word for “spring” because we do this in the spring time. Beginning on Ash Wednesday we have special midweek Lenten services to learn more of our Lord’s love for us in this part of his ministry for us.

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter and includes a Maundy (“Commandment”) Thursday service where we remember the night when Jesus gave the commandment to love each other and also instituted the Lord’s Supper. Easter is the climax of the season of Lent when we especially focus on the resurrection of our Lord.

Fifty days after Easter, we celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost was originally a Jewish festival of thanksgiving. On the Pentecost following Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples in a dramatic way. The season of Pentecost then lasts through until the beginning of the season of Advent in late November or early December. During this time we emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the spiritual growth our Lord gives us.