All the ministries of St. John Lutheran are focused on equipping people to effectively express their faith as God has gifted them, both within our church and in reaching out to our community with the love of Jesus Christ. Our ministries are as diverse and as varied as the people who serve within them. We have a variety of ministries because we know that our people have been blessed with a variety of gifts. It is our prayer that you would find a ministry that fits your God given gifts and that through that ministry you would find joy in serving the Lord and others.
The word “acolyte” comes from the Greek word, “to follow, to accompany or to escort.” Therefore you as acolytes are attendants, helpers; you are participants and assistants to the Pastors as well as to the worship service. You are not just lighting candles but acting as servants of the Lord and serving the congregants in their worship, learning, and service to their Lord.
Adult & Youth Bible Class
Altar Guild
The altar Guild prepares God's House for worship coming in for a short period on Saturdays and then Sunday mornings to prepare the linens, communion ware, candles, flowers, etc. for worship
Audio Visual Ministry
The Audio/Visual Ministry is dedicated to running the sound and video elements for all church and school productions. The mission of our ministry is to make a difference through the intuitive design of worship/production elements and by carrying them out effectively, enriching the experience.
Bible Studies
There are a number of Bible studies offered during the week and evenings. Check with the Church office for the latest classes available.
Board of Elders
The Board of Elders are involved in three phases of ministry support:
Worship Assistance
Care of Pastoral Staff
Board of Properties
The facility at St. John resides on an 4.5 acre site. There is approximately 1 acre of grass, landscaped areas, parking lots and a garden. Three buildings comprising approximately 4,500 square feet house the Church, Office, School and Fellowship Hall. The Ministry's goals are to ensure that the physical assets of the Church and School are maintained, managed and protected, thereby supporting The Word and Sacrament activities of the Church. This allows the Pastor, Staff, School, Ministries and all Volunteers to efficiently carry out their activities using the property and facilities. Included in their charter is to recommend on-going improvement and maintenance budgets, implement planned and emergency repairs, coordinate volunteers in facility maintenance areas, develop and manage facility usage, identify requirements and an approach to maintaining the grounds and buildings, as well as to ensure the Church and School physical assets are protected by insurance programs and security measures.
Children's Message
Church Council
Crafters Guild
Meet on the second Friday of each month to work on a new projects. Come and see the project of the month and use the idea to make your own gifts for friends and relatives. The items made are sold at the annual Fall Craft Bazaar and monies go to mission outreach and service projects
Garden Club
Do you like growing veggies? Would you like to learn about simple square foot gardening? Even if you have a little bit of time to spare, you can help with the Gardening Club's efforts.The Garden club donates the produce to local food kitchens in McMinnville.
Greeters are the first impression - the friendly, smiling, happy face of St. John Lutheran Church. Anyone with a firm handshake and bright smile can qualify as a Greeter. No meetings to attend, no covered dish to bring - just bring your pleasant personality and friendly smile to your regular Worship Service and welcome everyone.
The official women's organization of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. For over 65 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.
Mens Bible Breakfast
Mission Work (Habitat for Humanity)
Any musical instrument
Offering Counters
The Offering Counters are responsible for counting contributions and depositing them in the bank. This is done each week and the individual contribution records are updated at the same time. A summary of the receipts is given to the Financial Manager to update the Financial Files.
Praise Team
Prayer Chains
This is a ministry that pray specific prayer requests each day. The requests come from the congregation, the staff, and our members.
Quilt Ministry
School Board
Stuffed Animal Ministry
Your children are invited to join us as we learn more about God and His love during our weekly Sunday School. We gather at 9:15am each Sunday for an hour of joyful learning and exploration about the wonders God has done for us.
Drive the church mini bus before and after worship service. Each trip is a blessing.
If you are interested in serving as an usher at St. John Lutheran Church; whether it be as an individual or family (yes, that also includes the "little ones"); once a month, an entire month, or as a standby, please contact xxxxxx at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or at We also highly encourage our youth to be a part of the Usher Ministry for they are the future leaders of our Church.
5 Days each Summer Children preschool age (age 4) to the sixth grade level spend several hours learning about through Bible studies, singing and fun outdoor activities. There are ample opportunities for volunteers who make this happen each summer.
Video / Television
Volunteer Opportunities
Women's Bible Study
Young Adults